Feedback isn’t equal.

If you’re working on a project and want to know if you’re on the right track, who should you listen to?

For example, if I want feedback on my blog and writing style, I won’t go and show my grandma. She doesn’t care about the education system or personal development, and doesn’t really find my humour all that funny… _weeps_

Instead I need to ask myself:

Who am I writing this blog for?

It’d be someone in their 20’s-30’s, who loves a good corny joke here and there, and GETS IT that the education system needs a revamp. They love some random wellbeing tidbits n’ advice here and there.

If they reach out and say “Hey, I find your writing pretty clunky”, then I know I need to change up my writing style.

But for anyone else… I’ll nod politely, then take their feedback and put it up on a shelf because my work’s just not for them.
