“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right,”

- Henry Ford

When we label students ‘dumb’, ‘smart’, ‘slow’, ‘bright… we box them into what they believe they can achieve.

It’s a self fulfilling prophecy.

The more they embody the word ‘dumb’, the less they’ll try, the more they’ll give up.

The more they embody ‘problem student’ or ‘misfit’, the more they’ll act out, get suspensions/detentions, feel alienated, act out… and the cycle continues.

On the flip side, ‘smart’ or ‘bright’ students will try harder, solve problems with greater determination, and excel in what they do.

If we were to approach each student as a blank slate, and let THEM find out what’s possible for them (without our assumptions and baggage), they’d sure as hell thrive.