A conversation of mine went down like this:
Friend: Where do children get all their energy and playfulness from? Adults just aren’t the same, I feel like I have a lot less now growing up.
Me: I’m not actually sure about that… It could be more a societal thing where we’re taught to mellow out and get ‘looked down on’ if we’re TOO much. Inside we still have the same level of energy.
(Then we talked about how adults just need other forms of stimulation (e.g theme parks) to vent out that ‘childishness’ in an acceptable way.)
But why is ‘childishness’ a bad thing? Life is meant to be fun and silly, and as long as we don’t offend or hurt others in the process, it should be encouraged. School, workplaces all beat it out of us, but if anything, we need that outlet to laugh, be creative and feel free.
(One tactic that helps me is to skip. It feels weird, out of place, and fun all in one. Try it, I dare you :))