When we DO more to feel more worthy, that very action of DOING is decreasing our sense of self worth.

From watching a video with that message, I really started noticing how society places so much value on work, being ‘productive’, and DOING. The more we do, or how often we work defines how ‘worthwhile’ our lives are. This gets conflicting because when we do less (during COVID or otherwise), we feel shit because our worth is fixed on something external (ya feel?)

So self-worth comes from understanding that you yourself are worthy, REGARDLESS of what you do and how often.

It’s first about catching our thoughts of needing an external thing to feel accomplished, such as:

  • I need to look prettier to…
  • I need a job so…
  • I have to do more in the day or else…

You have UNCONDITIONAL value. No matter what happens around you, what you choose to do, there is worth that no one can take away from you.

*Inspired by this video on the Dr Sia Youtube Channel
