Behaviour management is a HOT topic in teaching, and one that often leads to recess/lunchtime holdbacks, or detentions/suspensions.

The concept goes like this:

  1. point out bad behaviour
  2. include a punishment if it gets really bad

This hopefully stops them from doing it again.

But realistically, they don’t learn. You get repeat ‘offenders’ who continue to get punished for it…

So what can we do?

According to Berry Street, a child and family community organisation, the most effective way is: CONNECT before CORRECT.

Show the student they are a human being, before pointing out any issues in their behaviour. Stress that their actions do not define who they are, ie “You are not this bad behaviour”.

Like I’ve mentioned in many episodes about punishment, students will act out FOR A REASON. Maybe they’re bored, stressed from home-life, upset about a recent fight with a friend, so punishing straight off the bat will only lead to resentment and further problems.

Questions like:

  • “Are you ok?”
  • “How can I help you here?”
  • “Tell me what’s been happening, is everything alright?”

Questions that signal compassion and non-judgement.

Connect first, then correct.