Why Is Dealing with Change So Hard?
Adjusting to COVID-normal, then to COVID, then COVID-normal… why is it such a struggle?
Personally I’ve noticed my adaptive lag time of around a week or so. So of course, just as I’m getting cosy with lockdown again, it lifts and now I’ll need to bounce back. While each time is a little easier, I still feel like I’m slower than others.
Thank our ancestors.
They thrived off routine and familiarity which all kept them safe. They could avoid any dangerous surprises, so no wonder they survived to pass down their genes.
They disliked change which brought in a new potential hazard. A colourful berry, a foreign animal, all of these could kill us… And unfortunately our genetics haven’t really caught up to modern times…
While we’re struggling with restrictions coming and going, we might see someone absolutely F.L.O.U.R.I.S.H.I.N.G.
Here I am completely unmotivated and they’re actually getting things done?
But as we know with any comparison…
Everyone adapts to change at different paces. Just like learning a skill - playing the piano, speed eating, axe throwing - we all progress at different stages.
How fast we adapt depends on our own individual situations, so while it’s tempting to compare ourselves to someone who’s adjusted back, we realise that’s not us. And that’s ok.
So next time you think
“Damn why can’t I get used to this?”
“Everyone around me is doing so well…”
Remember adapting is simply a skill. Our habit is to gravitate towards comfort and routine, though like any habit, we can undo it, knowing little by little we’re getting better at change. Progress is always different between people. Rather than comparing yourself to others, try comparing only to how you were in the past.
Keep at it :)