Think of our brain like a computer.

From the moment we pop out into the world, blood, mucus and all, we start downloading software in the form of beliefs and thoughts.

“If I cry really loud, someone will cuddle me”

“Calling someone a ‘boogie demon’ is not kind”

“No one loves me”

Then we go to school and our software gets updated.

Version 2.0 thoughts might include:

“I suck at maths”

“P.E is my favourite subject”

“Fun and school are different things”

These thoughts are all crammed into a folder called ‘untitled’, which won’t move an inch until we actively update or uninstall that program.

That limiting belief? Recycling bin.

That interest? Yeah I’ll update with something else.

When we view our beliefs as software, we realise we have the power to change at any moment.