Listening to Seth Godin’s ‘AKIMBO’ has got me all inspired and motivated. 

I honestly had no idea what I wanted ‘Dose of Joy’ to become when I created it. I imagined a small platform to (infrequently) share my travel journey with friends and family, and for me to look back on. 

But I’m inspired. Inspired to create meaningful content that promotes critical thinking and a wider outlook to life. 

There’s so much I have yet to share. My youtube journey has just begun, and I cannot wait to inspire others through my content. 

Seth mentions the importance of SLOW and STEADY. The idea that putting out risky ideas, new concepts is coupled with a slow and steady to reach a ‘grand finishing’. There’s no place for complacency or fitting in. By putting out valuable content, traction will follow. 

Here’s to creating meaningful content, not only to myself but to you, my audience. An audience infatuated by the same road to wellbeing and continuous learning. 

What can you expect? 

I actually have no idea. But it’ll resonate somehow. 

And as Seth eloquently puts it, instead of purely ‘making noise’, I’m committed to making something that provokes thought, discussion and imagination. 

Until next time,

Jo x