Where there’s chaos, fear and uncertainty…there’s also connection, generosity and creativity. 

The current pandemic has tested (and is testing) our ability to grow and adapt. While a situation waiting to happen, no one could’ve expected such a rapid 180. Hence the initial panic and confusion. 


However despite the bad, we’ve somehow managed a way to support each other and get by smoothly. 

I’ve been incredibly impressed with the innovative ideas circulating online. The social media challenges, original memes, online tutorials, zoom meetings for things un-businessey, among others… 

All of these indicate our ability to answer: 

“How can I make things better with the current situation?”.


Besides the power of the internet, I’ve noticed some other positive differences. Namely, the HUGE increase in familial activities. 

Parks seem to be the hot spot for pandemics it seems. 

Everyday I see people exercising within the sports ovals, parents teaching their children how to ride bikes, joggers jogging, people walking. Dogs, LOTS OF DOGS. Very happy with that :)  

And interestingly, I see relaxation. Relaxation in people’s faces as they walk, or lounge on the park benches. It’s as if this lock down has forced us all to finally STOP. To take a breath, pause, and do things we normally create excuses for… ie. ‘yeah I wish I did X, but I just don’t have time’. 

This whole ordeal is teaching us the power of slowing down. To prioritise activities that fulfil us, yet are often neglected when work gets in the way. 

I’m just imagining the amount of relationships being strengthened and hobbies rediscovered. 


So while there’s a pressing situation at hand, society has a way to pull through and optimise what we currently have. 

My heart goes out to everyone, especially those affected and their families, and health workers who are currently experiencing sleepless nights and overwork. We cannot imagine what you’re going through. 

Sending lots of love,
